How to Get a New Set of Car Keys? | UK Auto Locksmith

by UK Auto Locksmith
2 years ago

Replacing a new set of car keys can be an immensely messy experience, especially if you don’t know where to start.

On occasions, your key might break or bend down so much that you can’t use it anymore. Some people lose their keys, which is also a common reason to need a new set.

Regardless of what happened to you, if you need a Mercedes car keys replacement or need the keys to a different model, there are some worries you might have, and this is what this guide addresses. Read on and find out what you should do if it happens.


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Who Should I Call? A Locksmith or a Dealership?

The first question to ask is whether you should contact your dealership or call a car locksmith. Furthermore, you also need to know when you must even make that call.

When to Seek for Help

Here are the most common instances where you must call others to help you with your car keys.

If Your Key Is Lost

Losing your car keys is one of the most frustrating experiences you can go through because the possibility of finding them remains unless you’re 100% sure of where you lost them (for example, the ocean).

Having a spare key might save you from significant trouble if you lost the original. However, if you don’t have a spare either, contacting someone for help is inevitable, and these people can help you with the problem. Don’t worry, though – they don’t need the original or the spare to make a copy of your key.

When Your Key Doesn’t Work

Keys can wear down until their shape is entirely distorted. If this is the case, you might also need to contact someone to help you.

Nowadays, some keys have wireless or laser codes that the car must scan to make sure they’re the right keys. Although this is fantastic, if you damage it, that could render the key completely useless. Therefore, you might require some help.

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Asking for Help

Generally speaking, contacting a car locksmith is the best idea in these cases because numerous models have keys that are not very challenging to replace as long as you work with an experienced professional.

A car locksmith can give you a perfect replica of your keys and contacting them might also help you save a lot of money since dealerships are more expensive.

However, modern cars might require a laser code to be embedded in them to work. If this is the case, you might have to contact the dealership after all.


How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Set of Keys?

It depends on the car you own, but a car keys replacement can range between £40 and £480. As you can see, it’s a very wide price range because it will vary depending on the vehicle you have.

Is It Possible to Upgrade to Keys with Remote Activation?

Yes! If you work with an experienced locksmith, you can upgrade your keys, so they work with remote activation.

Overall, these services take very few minutes to complete as long as your car fulfills the requirements. Clearly, if you have an old model, it might not be possible to upgrade it. Nonetheless, newer ones are perfect for this.



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Why Being Updated Is Important

When you own a car, you want to guarantee that it’s safe. The best aspect about this is that technology helps with that. However, for it to work, you need to be up to date with what happens and the changes you can incorporate into your car to improve your experience.

Many people don’t want to change to get a keyless remote because they believe that this might hinder their experience. On the contrary – it can help you!


Regardless of whether you need a Ford car keys replacement or some keys for a different car model, there’s a reputable locksmith company that can help you with everything you need. Call UK Auto Locksmith anytime and we will be at your location anywhere in London within 30 minutes! Call us for a quote at 02038809904.