Where to Replace Lost Car Key?  - UK Auto Locksmith.

by UK Auto Locksmith
4 years ago

My car keys seem to disappear altogether or have an uncanny ability to turn up at places where I am least likely to find them. And the thought of getting a replacement key for my car had crossed my mind once in a while. But till the day I got locked out of my car and frantically fished my phone out of my bag to look for an auto locksmith near me or a car lockout service, the value of getting a replacement key did not dawn on me.

As I waited for an auto locksmith near me to turn up and save my day, I started wondering how much would the replacement key of my car cost? Was it easy to get car keys replacement? And most importantly, would car keys replacement leave a huge dent in my pocket?

The auto locksmith explained to me in detail about a car key replacement cost. A few decades back, if one lost his/her car keys, it was fairly easy to get a replacement car key at any hardware store or locksmith. And, of course, you could always count on the car dealership to replace a lost car key. But these days, although advances in key fob technology have made it more difficult to steal vehicles, it has also driven up the price to get a replacement car key. Yet it always makes sense to get a replacement car key before being stuck on the road or at home due to a lost car key and looking for a car lockout service to resume your day. A car key replacement can be done at a dealership, or by an auto locksmith or online. Prices would be a tad cheaper if you get a replacement key created by an auto locksmith than a dealership.  

There’s no denying the fact that modern keys are expensive to replace and it is always better to get a spare key beforehand than to stress out and spend the money in an emergency. Also, one is likely to foot a hefty bill if the car is a “high end” variant of any brand. 

The cost of replacing an electronic fob is expensive as it involves programming the new one. Flip or switchblade keys are expensive to replace. Sidewinder or laser cut keys are made with expensive key cutting machinery and contain a transponder chip. A new key and fob need to be programmed pushing up the cost of replacing one. Smart keys allow a driver to lock or unlock a car and start the ignition using a radio pulse generator in the key housing. As the technology used is complex, it costs quite a bit to replace and reprogramme such keys. 

There’s even an option of a Mobile Key Cutting.

If you are someone who believes in tempting fate by only having a single set of keys, it’s time to reconsider your decision. And if you don’t wish to hit the panic button, it is always practical to invest in peace of mind and get a replacement car key.