Imagine this — you woke up one morning with a feeling of dread building up in your belly. You went out the night before, and somehow you lost your car key. We have all been there many times before, but how do you get a car key made without the original?
Today we will explain the process you must undergo to get your car running again. Can you go to any old locksmith to make the key for you, or do you need to visit a specialized car locksmith?
What Are the Types of Keys Given to Get a Car Key Made Without the Original?
If you managed to lose the spare key and your original, you might be in for a wait, however. Car keys built with a transponder anti-theft system will be such a relief in these instances because they have a mini-computer built inside. This sends signals electronically from the key to the car, allowing it to turn on.
To identify a transponder on your key, look for the types of keys with the large plastic unit that the metal key protrudes. They usually have buttons that unlock and lock your car remotely.
Can You Get a Key Made for a Car with the VIN Number?
If you managed to lose your car key, and you are unfortunately without a spare key, not all is lost! You can always just use your car’s VIN to get a copy of the key made.
Perhaps you know already, but if not, VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number, and each car has its unique code, which can be used to duplicate your car key. To make use of this service for a Mercedes key replacement, an Audi key replacement, or just about any car key replacement, you will need the ownership papers for your car to prove that you are the one who bought it.
The VIN code is in your car’s user manual or service book. Other places to find it would be on the point where the dashboard and the windshield meet, on the driver’s side.
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How Long Does It Take to Make a New Key Without the Original?
Car key programming is quick and quick and does not take a hellishly long time. Cars are quite digital these days, so you must punch some numbers into a machine hooked up to your car’s system, and there you have it.
This could take anywhere from two minutes up to 30 minutes. At least you will not have to wait a few hours or even a few days for the copy to find its way to you. Finding the VIN is another story, but your car’s dealership should be obligated to share the code with you as long as you can show proof of ownership.
How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Car Key Without the Original?
This is the question on everyone’s lips. Rumours have gone around about the cost of this type of key replacement, and we are here to set the record straight.
You will not expect to spend the same amount on replacing your car’s key for every brand. Some are more expensive than others, so if this is an issue, you might want to take extra vigilance with your keys.
The maximum amount to replace your key without the original is about 500 pounds, but you can also find other brands to cost about 200 pounds.
Final Remarks
After reading this, you should feel confident that your car’s key can be replaced even without having a spare to copy. You will need to type in “car key replacement near me” on Google, and you will find the nearest business that offers this type of service.
Now you can see that losing your car key might be a cumbersome thing to deal with, but at least it is not the end of the world.